Welcome to the Metropolis Project blog...where National Diploma Art & Design students from Abingdon and Witney College link to their individual project blogs

Monday 31 January 2011

Human Word Web!

Our human word web from today. Thank you for your great contributions. Here are both versions as I wasn't quite sure which was best!
Get ready to do this all over again next week (prepare your word.) Charlie suggested using using neon index cards for our word web to hang above the mini-metropolis (I'm off to the shops!)

Sunday 30 January 2011

Zaha Hadid's work

This image is called London 2066. Zaha Hadid has a successful architect firm but she also creates her own images of ideal future cities that she call masterplans http://www.zaha-hadid.com/category/masterplans

'La Haine' clip

This film focuses on a single day in the lives of three friends in their early twenties, from immigrant families living in an impoverished multi-ethnic French housing project (a ZUP - zone à urbaniser en priorité) in the suburbs of Paris, in the aftermath of a riot.

Shanty Town on the edge of the Metropolis

Report of the child star from 'Slumdog Millionaire' returning to his home in the shanty towns of Mumbai.

James Hunter's work (past AWC student)

James explores cityscapes in his work and is currently studying Illsutration at Famouth. He keeps a great blog http://jwhunter.blogspot.com/

Richard Galpin's work

Richard Galpin http://www.richardgalpin.co.uk/  takes photos of urban cityscapes and then scrapes away the top layer of the photo with a scalpel to create new and bizarre urban forms

Project Tasks (Monday 31st January)

National Diploma Student, your tasks are as follows:

1. Set up your own blog following the online tutorial
2. Choose an appropriate template and title
3. Email Hannah the URL link
4. Add the master blog to your 'followers'

5. Watch the themed video clips from around the world and contribute ideas to the group's word web.

6. Define 'Utopia' and 'Dystopia' in your first post
5. Post a video
6. Post an image
7. Post some evaluative text (What do I know, what have I learned, what do I want to find out?)

9. Homework for next Monday. Add a new post to include an image of your own work and an explanation of how it relates to the theme

More 'Metropolis' video clips

'Tracing Urbanity'

'Invisible Cities'

A film inpsired by the writings of Italo Calvino

Video of quotes about modern life and the City

Vancouver City Time Lapse Video

Metropolis Project